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Golden (White) Balsamic

Golden Balsamic is also known as White Balsamic, it’s a touch sweeter than Dark Balsamic due to it’s use of White Wine Vinegar and the fact that the grapes are not caramelized during the process. This results in a cleaner taste.

If you’re looking for a Balsamic that won’t alter the presentation your dishes, this is the type of Balsamic that you’re looking for. Because it’s virtually clear, you’ll enjoy all of the sweetness without any colorization.

Golden balsamic vinegar originates from the same region of Italy as traditional dark balsamic vinegar. To make traditional dark balsamic, must from Trebbiano grapes is cooked for many hours to create a caramelized syrup, which is then aged to create the vinegar. Golden balsamic is instead created by cooking white grape must — pressings — under high pressure or at very low heat to prevent the deep coloring that occurs with caramelization. Instead of aging the vinegar for years, golden balsamic is put in oak barrels or stainless steel for only a year to prevent color changes.

Showing 1–16 of 44 results

Personalize the Label Your Way!

Below, we will give you some quick instructions to get you on the way to customizing your own labels for any occasion.


Be sure to type the name of the flavor in the box at the bottom of the label so the recipient knows which wonderful flavor you have chosen for them.

Be creative, you can change the font, colors and size for the flavor name too. You can even personalize the name to be cute if you desire.


Enter the message that you want in the white text box. Select the Font and Select the Size. Once the text appears on the label, you can drag it to wherever you would like it to be.


Create common shapes to add to your design.


With this tool, you can upload your own photos! You can even apply filters to your image like Sepia Tone or Grayscale.

Clip Art

We have an ever expanding library of Clip Art Images to choose from for almost any occasion. Just browse the library and select the image to add it to your label.

Additional Controls (Tool Bar)

In the Tool Bar at the top of the screen, you can undo an adjustment, center an item vertically or horizontally, duplicate an item, delete an item or send an item in front or behind another item.

Make your Purchase

Once you’re satisfied with your creation, you can either choose to save it to your account or add it to your shopping cart. *Saved designs can be applied to other products!

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